Can I submit a paper to AISU?

We do not have a peer review process, and we do not publish any papers. However, you may present the ideas in your completed or forthcoming paper at AISU.

How can I prepare my talk or other session if I don’t know beforehand whether it will take place?

If you are concerned about this, we ask you to contact program chair Linda C. Linsefors (linda.linsefors@gmail.com), to discuss how we can best solve this for you.

What are First, Second and Third Breakfast about?

These are times for socializing and replenishing your energy. We could have called them lunch, coffee break and dinner, but since our participants will be in different time zones, these names will inevitably be wrong for someone, so we might as well call them all "breakfast".

Can I attend only part of AISU?

Yes. We recognize that due to time differences and other circumstances, not everyone will be available all the time. You are free to attend as much or as little as is convenient for you.

Do I have to join the Welcome and Pitch Session?

No, but it is highly recommended. Last year, most participants appreciated the pitch session, but if you can’t join or don’t want to, there will be ways for you to express your preferences and availability asynchronously.

What are some examples of possible sessions?

See the Calls page for examples from last year.

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